Magento Design Theme Integration – Part-6

3. Working with Themes:

A theme has largely two types of users

First, the audience–type who experiences it from the aesthetically and usability standpoint by browsing through a store

And second, the creator–type who goes through an additional layer of the theme experience by taking part in building the theme.

1.1 Maximum customization power: With Magento you can update the look and feel of your store in the category and product level, giving you greater marketing and promotional

1.2 Multiple themes – Magento gives you the ability to load multiple themes at once, allowing you to swap between a default store design and temporary event/season-specific ones — All at the command of a few key strokes

1.3 Uninterrupted workflow – With Magento’s fully object-oriented programming, all modules are immediately accessible via templates tags from any template files.

1.4 Minimize debugging time


“If one overwhelms his patron with tears while dying for him,
death deserves to be beseeched.

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