Fatal error: Call to undefined method getUsedProducts() in magento

Fatal error: Call to undefined method getUsedProducts() in magento

When i use SCP module, i got the following error message,
Fatal error: Call to undefined method OrganicInternet_SimpleConfigurableProducts_Catalog_Model_Product_Type_Simple::getUsedProducts() in
Mage/Catalog/Model/Resource/Product/Type/Configurable/Attribute/Collection.php on line 160.

After a long time back i got some solution, in a below code we are passing two parameter
->saveProducts($confProdInstance, $productIds);
1. $confProdInstance is the configurable product instance
2. $productIds is the array containing all the simple products’s id to associate to the configurable one.

Here we need to pass configurable product id instead of configurable product instance.

->saveProducts($confProdInstance->getId(), $productIds);

Note: I hope this solution will helpful for some of the scenario.But not all the scenario’s.

3 thoughts on “Fatal error: Call to undefined method getUsedProducts() in magento”

    1. Hi Shansy,
      Find this below code and replace configurable parameter as like below
      Ref: https://jutesenthil.wordpress.com/2014/09/08/fatal-error-call-to-undefined-method-getusedproducts-in-magento/#comment-566

      ->saveProducts($confProdInstance, $productIds);
      1. $confProdInstance is the configurable product instance
      2. $productIds is the array containing all the simple products’s id to associate to the configurable one.

      Here we need to pass configurable product id instead of configurable product object.

      ->saveProducts($confProdInstance->getId(), $productIds); “

  1. Hi jutesenthil

    This variable doesn’t exist in the module $confProdInstance->getId(), can you tell on which function you have dound it and what is the path to the file ?

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