Add extra column in admin sales order grid – magento:
Custom column we can add it from admin -> sales -> order grid section. Add a new column is an simple one, follow below steps and and show your custom column in grid.
1. Override following function from below path file
protected function _prepareCollection() {}
protected function _prepareColumns(){}
2. Add your custom query after $collection = Mage::getResourceModel($this->_getCollectionClass()); this line
Ex Query :
Here am going to show “samplecolumn” column in a grid. Based on the requirement the query might be change. In this query am fetching
sales_flat_order_item query values.
$collection->getSelect()->joinLeft(array(‘sfi’ => ‘sales_flat_order_item’),
“main_table.entity_id = sfi.order_id” ,
array(“YOUR Condition”)));
3. Now your customer column contain the values. You have to show in a grid
4. Add your custom column in _prepareColumns function, like below way
$this->addColumn(‘samplecolumn’, array(
‘header’ => Mage::helper(‘sales’)->__(‘Sample Column’),
‘index’ => ‘samplecolumn’,
‘type’ => ‘text’,
‘width’ => ’70px’,
5. That’s it. Clear cache and check it from admin grid. Your custom column will show properly.
Some times your custom column value have you have show options values (ex:drop down value)”Yes” or “No” instead of 1 or 0:
Then follow below way,
1. Write your own query like above way
2. Add below code. Here “test” is my module name
‘header’ => ‘customstatus’,
‘align’ =>’center’,
‘index’ => ‘customstatus’,
‘type’ => ‘options’,
‘options’ => Mage::getSingleton(‘test/customstatus’)->getOptionArray(),
‘filter’ => false, // This filed will help to show search box (text box in column) if it is true
‘sortable’ => false, //onclick the column sorting option is disalbed in it is false
3. Create one model file name like customstatus.php
4. Add below code in this,
class Jute_Test_Model_Status extends Mage_Core_Model_Abstract
public function _construct()
static public function getOptionArray()
return array(
self::CUSTOM_STATUS_YES => Mage::helper(‘test’)->__(‘YES’),
self::CUSTOM_STATUS_NO => Mage::helper(‘test’)->__(‘NO’),
If Action want to give in your custom column then follow code like below
‘type’ => ‘action’,
‘actions’ => array(
‘caption’ => Mage::helper(‘sales’)->__(‘View’),
‘url’ => array(‘base’=>’*/—-/—‘), //Your action URL like Controller URL
‘field’ => ‘order_id’