Introduction :
- GraphQL is a query language for your API.
- GraphQL service is created by defining types and fields on those types, then providing functions for each field on each type.
- New API standard that was invented and open sourced by Facebook
- A runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.
- It is a single endpoint and responds to queries
- Better than REST
- We can create own schema with GraphQL.
Why GraphQL:
- Comfortable data loading in mobile device. Mobile user are increased now a days. GraphQL is the best solution to fulfill the mobile users data loading on there device.
- Facebook users GraphQL since 2012 in their native mobile apps.
- It can be used with any programming language and framework.
- No more Over-fetching & Under-fetching.
Over-fetching : Downloading Unnecessary/Unwanted data
Under-fetching : Sending Multiple (n number of) request when on endpoint doesn’t return right information or data. - It is a common interface between client and server for fetching the data.
Example : To get the logged-in User Name with GraphQL
type Query {
me: User
}type User {
id: ID
name: String
Along with functions for each field on each type:
function Query_me(request) {
return request.auth.user;
}function User_name(user) {
return user.getName();
Sample query:
me {
JSON Result :
“me”: {
“name”: “Mr Jute”
For more information refer :