- MongoDB is a open-source and high performance document-oriented database program.
- MongoDB is NoSQL DB program
- It’s use JSON like document with schema.
- Developed by MongoDB Inc (Initial development later name got changed).
- MongoDB written in C, C++ & Javascript.
- MongoDB – No Schemas , Scalability , High Availability , Performance.
- Instead of using tables and rows as in relational databases, we can use MongoDB built in own architecture of collections and documents oriented DB program.
- Data storage format as like, Key-value pairs .
- Ex:
Key Value
Customer1 Jhon1,28,US
Customer2 Jhon2,29,UK
Customer3 Jhon3,30,AE - Document : A document is design by key-value pair set. A documents are associated with schema (as like RDBMS)
Key: Value
_id: “values”
Name Jhon1
Age 28
Email jhon@***.com
City US - Collection : Collection is noting else it’s group of MongoDB documents. (same like table concept in RDBMS)
- Database : File system concept. Each database is having a set of files to store/Maintain the data’s.
Ex: Default DB path /var/lib/mongo - Configuration:
Conf file in MongoDB: /etc/mongod.conf
Default PID in MongoDB : /var/run/mongodb/mongod.pid
Default log files i MongoDB : /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log
MongoDB default Port : 27017
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