1. Here am using master as the production branch.
2. Whenever i want to start new task it is the best way to start new branch instead work from production branch.
3. Use following command to create new branch
Syntax: git checkout -b <branchname>
Example: git checkout -b first_branch
4. Once you run the above command new branch will create & you switch to that branch, Mean
you created the copy of master branch with the name of first_branch .
5. In this branch you play whatever you want instead of doing directly in master branch.
6. Now go and check followint path .git/logs/refs/ here u will get one file called first_branch.
This is nothing but its ur new branch.Similarly whenever you create a new branch than the file
will create with each branch name in this section.
7. Now your in first_branch (use git branch command on terminal (or) check .git/HEAD )
8. Whenever you switch the branch those logs detail will saved in .git/logs/HEAD
Switch branch from one to another:
1. Usually whenever you want to switch the branch we have to use following command
git checkout <BRANCH NAME>
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