Cache Management in Magento 2 – Part-4

We can also get below few buttons which will helpful for cache management in Magento.
  • Flush Cache Storage
  • Flush Magento Cache
  • Flush Catalog Images Cache:
  • Flush Javascript/CSS Cache:
Flush Cache Storage:
This option will clear the entire cache files from the folder regardless of the tags. In case if you maintain any 3rd party cache system those  cached files also will be cleared if you select this button action.
Flush Magento Cache:
This option will clear the default magento cached files from var/cache folder.
Flush Catalog Images Cache:
This option will clear the product watermarked images and re-sized images which are stored in media folder. System will regenerate automatically so nothing will happen if you clear. In case updated catalog image not reflect then clear this cache once.
Flush Javascript/CSS Cache:
This option will clear the merged/minified JS and CSS files from the cache. System will regenerate automatically. In case if you JS or Css related changes are not reflect in website then clear this cache.