Magento Cache Management System

Magento Cache Management :
Magento, cache management is for caching files. Simply we can say temporarily store files Ex: Var/Cache. When the webpage is loaded, basically the browser has to download every script and read it and show it in to the customer (via browser).It may take some time to download the files, due to this loading of the website is getting time delay. Using Magento cache management we can easy to improve the performance of the website.
We can access from admin, Admin -> System -> Cache Management.
When you redirect to above path, you may see the list of each primary cache with current status , associated tag, cache types with description. If any cache need to flush, admin wil get the notice message on top of the page.

Different Types of cache:
1. Cofiguration: This is generally for configuration cache. Ex: Config.xml, local.xml file, and config.xml file of each module.

2. Layouts: Basically this cache for layout.xml files related cache. Those xml files which compiling the pages.
Ex: htdocs\app\design\frontend\default\jute\layout\ .xml files

3. Blocks HTML Output : In magento, block section and HTML file will store into cache. Those cache will clear when we this blocks Html output cache.

4. Translations : This is nothing but,language translation files.( files in this case will be CSV files).
Ex: htdocs\app\locale\ .CSV files

5. Collections Data : In magento, we will create a object and store the data, simillary fetch the data as collection. Instead of connecting a database we can save out data into a collection. For that values will store in a cache. When we clear this cache, the collection will get flush.
Ex: $collection = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’)->load($CATEGORYID);

6. EAV types and attributes : Its contains data that needs instead of connecting the database every time in a website.

7. Web Services Configuration (api.xml) : API related cache.Ex: htdocs\app\code\core\Mage\Api\etc\ .xml file

8. Web Services Configuration (api2.xml) : API related cache. Ex: htdocs\app\code\core\Mage\Api2\etc\ .xml file

9. Page Cache (If Enterprise Edition only) : “Full page” cache will available only on enterprise edition only. If you clear this cache, you html changes and all will reflect immediatly in frontend.

Other than above cache, we can see some Buttons cache management:
Flush Magento Cache : Removes all items in the default Magento cache (var/cache) and the var/full_page cache that have a Magento tag.

Flush Cache Storage : Removes all items in the cache. This is the equivalent of deleting the entire contents of the cache folder on the server.If your system uses an alternate cache location, any cached files used by other applications will be removed.

Flush Catalog Images Cache : Removes all automatically resized and watermarked catalog images that are stored at: media/catalog/product/cache. If recently uploaded images aren’t visible in the catalog, try flushing the catalog and refreshing your browser.

Flush JavaScript/CSS Cache : Removes the merged copy of JavaScript and CSS files from the cache. If recent changes to the stylesheet or JavaScript aren’t visible in the store, try flushing the JavaScript/CSS cache and refreshing your browser.