1. Use following commands to find the OS version & details about windows system.
wmic os get caption
wmic os get osarchitecture
2. Download mongodb from following Link https://www.mongodb.com/download-center#community
3. Once download is done you will see the following file from download folder.
4. Onclick the exe file
5. You will get Installation page
6. Select Agree licence checkbox & submit
7. Select Complete or Custom. First if you install suggested one is Complete else select custom options.
8. And select keep on Next & next button.
9. At finall you will get the installation success.
10. Go to MongoDB installed location. I have installed mongoDB on following path,
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin
11. Once installation is done, You can check the mongoDB is working or not.
12. Mainly you can able to see mongo , mongod , which is main files to initiate the MongoDB & executing the DB.
13. Execute mongod from installed path, Open Command Prompt & go to Installed location
Ex: Cmd>C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin> mongod
14. Once you execute the above command you will get the error message as like below.
15. This is not a issue, we just want to create data\db folder from mongoDB default path locatio. Which is
C:data\db\ . Also we can create a log folder with same path. Ex: C:\data\log\
16. After create above folders give full permission & execute again >mongod. You will get the Waiting connection message. Mean system is ready
Ex: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongod
17. Open another cmd prompt & execute >mongo. Now system is ready & connected mongoDB successfully
Ex: C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin>mongo
18. Once connection is done default it will connect test db.
19. You can also create new DB & view & select & update & delete the details from document.
20. Note: When you use window, give read & write permission full. Otherwise you will get authentication issue
when you execute the query (MongoDB query).