Custom tab in magento admin system configuration

Custom tab in magento admin system configuration :
How to create custom tab or menu from magento admin system configuration section. Easiest way to create, just need to follow below steps
We just want to create below two files, in your required place. Here my module is called Jutecustommodule.

In this file only we are going to configure our menu or tab. Yes

<?xml version=”1.0″?>
<jutecustommodule translate=”label” module=”jutecustommodule”>

<jutecustommodule translate=”label” module=”jutecustommodule”>
<label>3rd Party Integration</label>
<jutecustommodule_option translate=”label”>
<label>Tab 1</label>
<tab1_field translate=”label”>
<label><![CDATA[ Jute Tab <strong style=”color:red”>*</strong>]]></label>

<tab2_field translate=”label”>
<label>Tab 2</label>
<tab2_url translate=”label”>
<label><![CDATA[ Tab 2 <strong style=”color:red”>*</strong>]]></label>

Once above code then, if you are trying to check it from admin, you will get Error 404 message. Then how to resolve this issue, just follow below declaration from config.xml


<title>Allow Everything</title>
<jutecustommodule translate=”title” module=”jutecustommodule”>

Cleare cache and check you will get the resule from magento admin section.


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