Migrate Magento1.x to Magento2.x – Basic – Part 8:

Migrate Settings :
Migrating setting will migrate the basic settings which we configured from magento1.x
like Ex: store , website , and different system configuration like shipping, payment, some
tax settings etc.
Command to RUN:
bin/magento migrate:settings [-r|–reset] {<path to config.xml>}
<path to config.xml> -> is Magento1.x config.xml file path. Below command is windows
paths , in case if linux then we have to slash (/)
Ex: path : root>php \xampp\htdocs\magentodatamigration\bin\magento
migrate:settings -r {\xampp\htdocs\magento1701\app\etc\config.xml}

Migrate Data :
• Data Migration Tool transfers data from M1 database to M2 database based on set
of rules defined in xml files. To be clear, this tool only transfers data. Themes and
customizations of your store can’t be automatically changed or migrated to
Magento2. You install tool into empty Magento2 installation with Composer. It’s
not an extension, but standalone shell app that requires Magento2 framework to
work. It’s located in vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/bin/migrate.
• config.xml is main configuration file, it defines connection, which steps to execute,
path to other specific xmls.
• map.xml holds main global mapping definitions, which tables or columns to
ignore, what is renamed to what, while other xml files are step-specific things
Command to RUN:
bin/magento migrate:data [-r|–reset] {<path to config.xml>}
Migrate Delta:
After successful data migration, you can always just append new M1 entries to M2
database with delta migration, it will continue where it stopped last time. Delta doesn’t
migrate new or changed products or categories (at the moment of writing), only
customers, orders, and similar customer related data.
Command to RUN:
bin/magento migrate:delta [-r|–reset] {<path to config.xml>}
Migrate Media:
Media files can simply be copy/pasted to appropriate places in M2 after products and
categories are migrated, simple as that.

“Save Trees, be Healthy.