How to add & commit your changes and files into Git

How to add & commit your changes and files into Git

1. In this post we will see how to commit & add your files and folder into git.

2. whenever you are create a new file or folder you have to inform to the GIT, then only your files and folder will be covered by VCS.


3.1 In my case using following command am checking how many branches is available now

git branch

3.2 Now am in standing in first_branch, here i created some files & modified some existing files. This files are ready to move to GIT.

3.3 Whenever you are create a new file or folder,  use git add command to add your changes to GIT. If you want to add file level  than use 

git add <FILE PATH> 

In case if you need to add all the files to Git then use 

git add *

3.4. Commit changes to head 

git commit -m <“YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE”> 

Commit all files which you have added with git add, and also commit any files you have changed since 

git commit -a

3.5 Once you had done git add & commit then check is there any files is available to commit or not

git status

On branch first_branchnothing to commit, working directory clean


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