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Magento index management system:
Magento index management will helpful to access the charm data’s very fast and accurate.Generally in magento website, we will maintain much data, based on the store. So each and every time (depend on the requirement) may update your price or product description or some changes in your admin. It won’t reflect instantly in your frontend.
Once re-index is done in admin then the data will reflect instantly with perfect result.Magento has a sophisticated architecture that stores lots of data (catalog data, prices, users, stores, etc) in many database tables. To optimize web store performance, Magento accumulates data into special tables using indexers.
When re-index is required:
EX: updating product price rate from Old Price to New price. Then re-index is required, then only your New price will update and calculate when product added into the cart. With out re-index it will take the Old Price only. Similarly lot the scenario, this re-index is required.Doing re-index is improve your website performance also. You can access cache management from
admin -> System -> Index Management
When redirect to above path from admin, you will see the index management grid with status, last updated on also update action link.
Different Types of re-index:
By default 8 re-index is available in Magento.
1. Product Attributes – catalog_product_attribute. Re-index product attribute. Ex: T-shirt color
2. Product Prices – catalog_product_price. Re-index product price.
3. Catalog Url Rewrites – Re-index catalog and product URL. Admin -> Catalog -> URL mgmt
4. Product Flat Data (If enabled, System > Configuration -> Catalog -> “Yes” Use Flat Catalog Product) – If you are enabled this option, then one new table will create from DB. Also product related data will save into this table (what and all again and again will fetch basic data of product, only those column will create in this table)
5. Category Flat Data (If enabled, System > Configuration -> Catalog -> “Yes” Use Flat Catalog Category) – If you are enabled this option, then one new table will create from DB. Also category related data will save into this table (what and all again and again will fetch basic data of category, only those column will create in this table)
6. Category Products – Re-index category & Product association
7. Catalog Search Index – Rebuild Catalog product fulltext search index
8. Stock status – Index Product Stock Status
Database Table for Re-index:
“index_process” is the data base table. Here your will get the status and updated information on the re-index management.