Create Own Module in Magento – Part -4 – How to display Your custom table values in Admin Grid

How to display Your custom table values in Admin Grid:
Based on above steps you can access your table as like magento way. But you have show your table values as a admin grid in magento. Then we have to create our block files.
Here am going to give link from admin-> sales -> Jute Travelinfo tab in admin section.
For that we have to create adminhtml xml file like below
 How to create admin custom menu tab in admin section:
I need to show my custom tab under the admin – sales tab. For that i have created my etc/adminhtml.xml file like below
 <?xml version=”1.0″?>
               <jute_travelinfo translate=”title” module=”jute_travelinfo”>
                   <title>Jute – Travelinfo</title>
Here green color mention code is calling my controller. When admin onclick the link, the page redirect to below controller, I have declared my controller like below
app\code\community\Jute\Travelinfo\controllers\Adminhtml\ TravelinfoController.php
class Jute_Travelinfo_Adminhtml_TravelinfoController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
   public function indexAction()
       $this->_title($this->__(‘Travelinfo’))->_title($this->__(‘Jute Travelinfo’));
   public function gridAction()
 Create Block File:
Here am going to create my block file. Under this block file, am going to call my custom phtml file like below
class Jute_Travelinfo_Block_Travelinfo extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
            public function _construct() {    
Then in grid section if you want to add any extra button or remove any button then you have mention in below file. In my grid i have added onmore button called Import button. This button redirect admin to import contoller action. Also i don’t want add button here, so that i have removed from the grid section
class Jute_Travelinfo_Block_Adminhtml_Jute_Travelinfo extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Widget_Grid_Container
   public function __construct()
       $this->_blockGroup = ‘travelinfo_travelinfo’;
       $this->_controller = ‘adminhtml_travelinfo_travelinfo’;
       $this->_headerText = Mage::helper(‘travelinfo_travelinfo’)->__(‘Jute Travelinfo’);
$data = array(
               ‘label’ => ‘Import Travelinfo Code’,
               ‘onclick’   => “setLocation(‘”.$this->getUrl(‘*/*/import’).”‘)”
$this->addButton (‘Import Travelinfo Code’, $data, 0, 100, ‘header’, ‘header’);     


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